"I think many supporters these days - particularly at Arsenal - are a bit corporate"-(ian wright)
Even thou i admit we do have corporate fans,I think it's out of order to single us out as the real only one's with them.
And people keep saying about these so called racist songs and about how were singing about his mum and dad.But where's the proof??
Because from what I've been told and the song i know goes like this.
"He’s five foot Foour, He’s five foot Fooooooour, We’ve Got Arshavin, So F*** Adebayor!!"
The other song is sung by other supporters not us.
So yet again where is the evidence of Arsenal fans singing it????
So wright thanks for sticking up for this guy and the likes of roy of the rovers keane.
It couldn't be however that your son plays for them and your bitter "this guy" might not be there for the derby could it???
Come on Wright your a legend,What is it with your comments lately??
Maybe it's the people you work with at the "current bun"-(the sun),
That you feel you have earned a define right to just criticise the people that adore you.
And wrighty you say we abused "this guy" and how we cant take it.
But he has deserved every bit of stick he has from fans,
He felt like he was the best player ever at Arsenal and that he could just turn up and stroll around and do nothing.
Ask yourself this did you ever see "this guy" run that fast at Arsenal as he did at the weekend???
"This guy" probably earns more than the whole away support put together.
I'm so sick of talking about the tosser,its starting to really do my head in.
We will find out later on the verdict and it better be a long one.
He could have put lives in danger because of his stupid actions.
Wrighty we love you,but please stop making things worse by jumping on the bandwagon.
Lets move on to some more positive news.
UEFA have seen the light and are not making a diving case out of eddie.
I told you of my disgust at the way we had been treated, by the whole thing and that our club would not allow them to get away with it.
Hopefully our tide will change now.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Sorry Wright,but you are talking out of your Harris.
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