According to gay magazine attitude ,
Cashley cole has been voted in the top 10 of drawn up list of sportsmen with the "camp factor".
Because of the song's like the famous "why do you wanna go and stick a phone up your arse and Chelski batty boy".
And being married to another gay icon Cheryl Cole,Has increased he's gay fan base.He has become one of there hotshots.Which is bound to please the chelski rent boy ha ha.
Mean while,
His other bum chum Jermaine "wank stain" Pennant has come out and said Cole is a rat.
This is sure going to please the Arsenal faithful,who cant wait to rib the little c***.
So Cashley,if the gay songs were bad before you ain't heard nothing yet.
I would just like to note that this is not a anti-gay post and im not a homo-phobe.So please dont shoot me.
"10 men went to what,went to bed with Cashley"-Altogether now.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Cashley in the top ten..............
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